Complaint Process Project Log

  1. Submitter logs into and uses the menus to navigate to the File a Complaint form.
    1. Form will be built to look visually similar to the current form we use – same fields, etc.
    2. Form will have the ability to have attachments – this will allow the submitter to submit any pictures or other documentation they have on the complaint.
    3. Form will include a list of common complaint reasons (above ground pools, lawn maintenance, exterior paint, debris in yard, etc.) and the submitter will be asked to select what their complaint corresponds to. Will have an “Other” option for them to put something else in if none of the reasons match.
  2. Submitter fills the form out, attaching supporting pics/documentation (if applicable), and submits the form to the site.
  3. Website automatically e-mails the submitter to inform them that their complaint has been received.
  4. Website automatically forwards the complaint to with attachments. The e-mail will include two pre-formatted links – one for Approve and one for Reject/Abstain.
    1. Additionally, as more complaints come in over time, the website will be able to include verbiage of “History of Violations at Recipient’s Address.” This will give the BoD a better, fuller picture if there’s a recurring issue with the co-owner or if it’s a first time complaint.
  5. Since the e-mail is sent to everyone can reply-to-all and discuss the complaint together if necessary.
  6. Board members click “Approve” or “Reject/Abstain” links which will take them to the website and will recognize your website username to be able to recognize who is voting
  7. Website will log your response into a table to show who voted and what their vote was.
    1. BoD member will have the ability to update the associated complaint if there is a need to change it to something other than what the Submitter selected.
    2. If submitter selected “Other” – BoD can help establish the violation verbiage.
  8. (Optional) Website e-mails the Submitter to let them know that board members are actively working on their complaint and that a subsequent email will be sent once a final decision is made.** See note at bottom
  9. When/If 3 or more approval or rejection votes are received, website will e-mail to notify that the complaint has been approved/rejected.
    1. Will have to set up a mechanism which recognizes if majority hasn’t been reached within X days to e-mail to remind everyone that there is a complaint pending.
  10. When majority is reached, an e-mail will automatically be sent to the Submitter to notify them of the result of their complaint.
  11. Website sends MCM the complaint/violation notice filled out with the Recipient’s name and address in the appropriate fields. Based on the complaint reason selected when submitted (step #1.3), the Violation text can be filled in with our standard verbiage. (e.g. above ground pools, paint, lawn maintenance, etc).
  12. MCM sends complaint to Recipient.
  13. Website will save complaints in its database to be used for historical keeping, including important dates such as submitted date, approved date, date pre-formatted letter is sent to MCM, and most importantly, follow-up date.
  14. On the follow-up date, website will automatically send a reminder e-mail to reminding of the open Complaint ((just because the letter is sent out, doesn’t mean it’s resolved)). Again, two links – Approve Escalation, Reject/Close.
    1. Any reject/close vote received by website will close the complaint and mark it as resolved.
    2. After majority approve votes, next level violation letter is sent to MCM with all the information filled out from previous letter.
  15. Database is updated to reflect the complaint being closed or escalated to next level violation.
  16. Return to step #13 for further escalation.